Cop Corner

Cop Corner: In case of a fire

February 22, 2012
Cop Corner: In case of a fire

  By KIM COLE mcp columnist   Before Talk to your family about the issues related to a fire and prevention Establish a spot outside the home where everyone must go for a headcount Replace fire alarm batteries during Easter and Christmas weeks Review areas where there is a potential for fire: stored rags, furnace filters, dryer vents, cardboard near…

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February 9, 2012

  By KIM COLE The “boomer” generation is aging and represents a large percentage of the population. As they transition, we see a higher number of people who live at home alone or with their pets for a multitude of reasons. The following are several tips to insure personal and property security: Do something different everyday. For at least one hour,…

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Be alert when shopping: Cop Corner with Kim Cole

January 31, 2012
Be alert when shopping: Cop Corner with Kim Cole

COP CORNER By Sgt. KIM COLE Shop­ping is both fun and nec­es­sary, but there are good rea­sons to keep a watch­ful eye; there are  many dis­trac­tions and the bad guys love distractions:   Always be aware of your sur­round­ings: observe and make men­tal notes on things that look out of place Have you seen the same per­son in sev­eral places as you move from one…

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Cop Corner: Protecting your stuff

January 27, 2012
Cop Corner: Protecting your stuff

By Sgt. KIM COLE   At home, on the road, any­where, any­time, you need to pro­tect your per­sonal prop­erty from theft threats. Here are a few help­ful tips:   Keep it out of sight: use your car trunk or glove box for stor­age of valu­ables; close the drapes and cur­tains at home. Never set up your GPS in the car with your real home address;…

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Cop Corner with Kim Cole

January 22, 2012
Cop Corner with Kim Cole

Editor’s note: Welcome to Cop Corner in the Features section “Tips and Trades.” Cop Corner is being written by Sgt. Kim Cole with the Mason County Sheriff’s Office. Sgt. Cole is running for sheriff this year and his campaign is sponsoring this page. If you are interested in sponsoring a specific section or feature please contact us about our rates.…

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Eats & Drinks

Eats & Drinks