Be alert when shopping: Cop Corner with Kim Cole

January 31, 2012

Sgt. Kim Cole



Shop­ping is both fun and nec­es­sary, but there are good rea­sons to keep a watch­ful eye; there are  many dis­trac­tions and the bad guys love distractions:


  • Always be aware of your sur­round­ings: observe and make men­tal notes on things that look out of place
  • Have you seen the same per­son in sev­eral places as you move from one shop­ping spot to another?  You may be a tar­get of being “cased.”
  • Park in a sin­gle space, between cars where you can see through their win­dows.  You may be able to iden­tify a pos­si­ble prob­lem.  Never park next to a van with tinted glass and a slid­ing door fac­ing your car.  If you parked in the open and find a van parked next to your car be extra cautious.
  • Park in lots where you can see the secu­rity cam­eras on the roof of the store.
  • Do not leave your purse unat­tended in the upper rack of the shop­ping cart; instead, use the recy­clable shop­ping bags as a place to hide your purse.
  • When pos­si­ble, keep your cell phone in your pocket andnot your purse. It increases your oppor­tu­nity to call 911, espe­cially if you get sep­a­rated from your purse.
  • Wor­ried about a false alarm to 911? Remem­ber they are there 24/7/365 with the tal­ent and means to address your safety con­cerns.  If you are mildly con­cerned, just get out your phone and act like you are mak­ing a call; thebad guys will take you off their “easy mark” list!
  • Every six months copy the front and back of all of the cards in your purse; keep the record in a sep­a­rate, secure place (such as a fire­proof lock­box) so you will know what was lost; also, include the cus­tomer ser­vice num­bers to “kill” your credit cards.
  • If you are in a crowd and you have a back­pack, put it on back­wards so it is in front of you and secure.
  • Shop with friends and your fam­ily, espe­cially dur­ing the hol­i­day seasons.
  • When there is an obvi­ous prob­lem with your vehi­cle that can be seen as you approach, such as a flat tire, get your phone out and start call­ing for help from friends or a road ser­vice before you reach the car.
  • Light­ing always helps; park under or close to park­ing lot lights or the store’s roof lights.
  • On occa­sion, stop unex­pect­edly in your tracks and look around; if you are being fol­lowed, the bad guys expect you to keep mov­ing con­sis­tently toward your expected goal, and will be thrown off.
  • Get in your car and lock the doors before you do any­thing else.
  • When a store employee offers to escort you to your car, enjoy the luxury!

Cop Corner is written by Sgt. Kim Cole with the Mason County Sheriff’s Office.

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