Posts Tagged ‘ election ’

Unofficial contested race results

November 7, 2012

Here are the unofficial election results of the contested races in Mason County (excluding state judicial and college boards). For full results, see the County Clerk’s posting at, click under Clerk (results are expected later today).   Registered voters: 22,564 Ballots cast: 14,766, 65.44%   President Mitt Romney, (Rep): 7,580, 51.69% Barack Obama, (Dem): 6,856, 46.75% Virgil Goode, Jr.…

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Sheriff totals to date

November 6, 2012

Here are the totals to date for Sheriff race as of 10:40 p.m.: Meade: Cole 35; Fiers 38 Ludington 2: Cole 413; Fiers 115 Ludington 5: Cole 414; Fiers 98 Victory: Cole 357; Fiers 212 Ludington 6: Cole 399; Fiers 110 PM 1: Cole 202; Write-in 71 (not verified for Fiers) Ludington 3: Cole 445; Write-in 107 (not verified for…

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Exit polls as of 1 p.m.

November 6, 2012
Exit polls as of 1 p.m.

Warning, the following article contains information about an exit poll Mason County Press has been conducting throughout the day. The results shown are from earlier in the day. If you do not want to be influenced by this poll, please stop reading this article. This poll has been conducted on Facebook and people have voluntarily responded. According to our Facebook…

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Eats & Drinks

Eats & Drinks