Exit polls as of 1 p.m.

November 6, 2012

Warning, the following article contains information about an exit poll Mason County Press has been conducting throughout the day. The results shown are from earlier in the day. If you do not want to be influenced by this poll, please stop reading this article. This poll has been conducted on Facebook and people have voluntarily responded.

According to our Facebook survey, as of 1 p.m., with 27 respondents, sheriff candidate Kim Cole has an 85% lead over opponent Jeff Fiers while probate judge candidate Nick Krieger leads Jeff Nellis by 70 percent.
Typically a poll of 30 respondents is considered more scientifically accurate. There may also be other factors. However, based on the responses to our online exit poll, those are the numbers.
The polls are busy in Mason County. Visiting the polls around the county and hearing from voters on Facebook, election workers are seeing high numbers of voters.
“It’s been steady all day,” said election worker Shirley Chancellor at Sherman Township Hall.
“There hasn’t been a time when we haven’t had someone in voting,” said an election worker at Sheridan Township.
“We had a line at 6:30 this morning,” said a Custer Township election worker.
Mason County Press will continue to cover the election throughout the evening. Keep checking this site, along with www.Facebook.com/masoncountypress and www.twitter.com/masoncopress.



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