
Letters to the Editor

Students respond to twerking article

December 12, 2013

Letter to the Editor: By Roxanne Kirwin and Larissa Todd, Ludington High School. We are writing in response to the article Mason County schools not exception to twerking fad by D’Ann Rohrer that was published in the Mason County Press newspaper Thursday December 12th, 2013. As representatives of the Ludington High school student council, we would like to offer a…

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Huizenga responds to criticism of Republicans

October 5, 2013
Huizenga responds to criticism of Republicans

LETTERS. The following Letter to the Editor is a response from Congressman Bill Huizenga to Thursday’s editorial by MLive The Grand Rapids Press, which criticized House Republicans for the current federal shutdown.  http://blog.mlive.com/grpress/opinion_impact/print.html?entry=/2013/10/huizenga_press_editorial_misse.html Terrorists, zealots, and jihadists. That is how some have chosen to label Republicans. That type of language has no place in a civilized debate. Both sides are…

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Huizenga votes to keep government open, shut down Obamacare

September 29, 2013

Washington, DC – Tonight, Congressman Bill Huizenga (MI-02) released the following statement after voting in favor of the continuing resolution to fund the federal government: “The legislation passed this evening by the House eliminates the job-destroying medical device tax, delays ObamaCare’s implementation for one year and ensures our men and women in uniform are funded in the event that Senate…

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A public thank you from the MSP-Hart Post

September 20, 2013
A public thank you from the MSP-Hart Post

A thank you to our community This past week has been difficult for members of the Michigan State Police Hart Post, the State Police family and all law enforcement. We laid to rest a partner, brother, and a son and we will forever try to make sense of a senseless tragedy. We will deeply miss Paul and we will never…

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LMC official questions columnist’s comments

August 13, 2013

Letter to the Editor. Editor’s Note: On Aug. 5, 2013, Ludington Daily News columnist George Dila wrote a column about asking about what Ludington would be like without the S.S. Badger. Dila is a paid columnist for the newspaper. Terri Brown, Lake Michigan Carferry director of marketing and media relations, asked us to post the following rebuttal:    I am…

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