Bow hunters are the solution to Ludington’s deer issue

October 9, 2023

Bow hunters are the solution to Ludington’s deer issue

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Dear Editor,
I read with a chuckle, the advertisement opposing the deer cull.  The writer completely missed the point.  Property damage from deer overpopulation is massive.  I won’t give you the numbers because anyone can look them up.  Car/deer crashes are a daily occurrence in Mason County ( 11 in my neighborhood in June of this year alone), costing tens of thousands of dollars.

Environmental damage of stream beds , farm crops, flowers and shrubs only add to the consequences of not controlling the population of these animals reintroduced here in the 1950s. Political solutions are not the answer, I agree. Paying professional assassins is pretty much league blackmail.

I propose using licensed bow hunters under supervision of the local police chief to reduce the population.  The cost is pretty much zero and the meat could be used to feed the homeless at area places that do so. This might also solve the problem of dead deer carcasses laying along side the road because the DNR and environmentalists don’t want them picked up. Let’s try common sense to solve the problem.

Doug Rollenhagen


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