Safety and security at MCC is an absolute need

March 27, 2023

Jim Schulte, president, Mason County Central Board of Education

Safety and security at MCC is an absolute need

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Dear Editor,

Shared Responsibility!   I’ve referenced this in the past, but it’s never been more relevant as we prepare for this upcoming Bond election.  Our charge and one of our stated district goals is to “provide safe and high-quality facilities”.  The upcoming Mason County Central bond proposal is not only a goal but a need.

As we approach May 2, I believe it’s of the utmost importance that we think beyond today, but consider the future, our future!  Our future rests with our students, our children.  We need to provide them with the necessary resources in order to make this happen.

It’s been mentioned before, “it’s not about us, it’s about them”!  Our students, our children need and deserve your support.

If you’re in need of additional information, please consider attending the upcoming bond forum scheduled for April 5.

Jim Schulte

President, Mason County Central Board of Education

MCC Class 1970

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