Reader urges yes vote on ESD millage renewal. 

April 19, 2021

Reader urges yes vote on ESD millage renewal. 

Dear Editor,

For 35 years my career was in service to others, specifically to those young individuals and their families who had communication disabilities and/or broader educational challenges. My experiences over the years evoke so many wonderful memories and emotions; seeing the joy on the face of a toddler (and their parents) at being able to express a need, a want or a feeling verbally, seeing a child effectively deal with his or her disfluencies (stuttering), seeing the joy associated with a new understanding of a verbal or intellectual concept, watching a student interview with confidence and celebrate real employment, and on.

The last 17 years of my career, I worked with learning disabled students who often struggled with the traditional high school curriculum. Students who still dreamt of a comfortable life and being successfully employed, responsible and self-sufficient. However, these kids were the kids who often fell through the cracks and moved from high school into a career of unemployment and governmental financial dependency.  The Employ + Ability Skills Class provided by the West Shore Educational School District is a program that I helped design and implement.  The curriculum focused on principles and concepts intended to support our students beyond graduation and to help ensure their success within our community (topics included: money management, applying for employment, interviewing skills, components of a strong work ethic, and personal responsibility). 

Free and equitable education for all includes special needs students. All students, regardless of their specific challenges, deserve the opportunity to fulfill their absolute potential. Within the West Shore Educational Service District over 1,400 hundred students benefit annually from the services they provide.  The funding for such inclusive and wide-ranging services has historically been voted for and overwhelmingly approved by the voters within the area of the WSESD. This history of support reflects the values of our local communities. We value public education. We value all students.

Kinda makes a person proud! 

Please remember vote yes Tuesday, May 4 on the special education millage (This millage is a renewal, not an increase). 


Patrick Shinn


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