Parent of former ESD student supports upcoming millage.

April 12, 2021

Parent of former ESD student supports upcoming millage. 

Dear Editor,

I am glad tp have this opportunity to speak up and endorse the West Shore Educational Service District’s special education millage renewal proposal that will be up for a vote on May 4, 2021. As a parent of a student who received services from and attending school at the now ESD, I thank God that some 45 years ago, there were taxpayers in Mason County who had the foresight to build a facility to care for and educate the mentally disadvantaged population of our area.

Over the years, my family and friends referred to the ISD/ESD as “Scotti’s School” as that is how closely associated we felt about how it was perceived and respected. Even though my son Scotti Burwell has passed on, it still remains Scotti’s School.

The ESD provides many other services that I was able to take advantage of as a teacher of sixth graders at Mason County Central. The classes and seminars that were made available to myself and other fellow teachers were very valuable in the continuation of our education.

This is a renewal of the same 1 mill levy that has been approve by you thoughtful voters many times.

So, please mark this date on your calendar or on your phone and remember that it takes a village.

Barb Burwell,


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