Health department asks for patience during vaccinations.

February 10, 2021

Health department asks for patience during vaccinations. 

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Dear Editor, 

The COVID-19 vaccines are Michigan’s best hope for ending the pandemic and since December 22, 2020, District Health Department #10 has administered more than 22,000 vaccines throughout our ten-county jurisdiction. Progress is being made, although often not as fast as we would like.

Because there are limited supplies of vaccine available, we recognize the concerns about vaccines being distributed outside of the federal and state recommendations. While we expect phases to overlap slightly, we are confident that the vast majority of vaccine being distributed is following the guidance. 

It’s important to note that your local health partners are moving as quickly as possible to make vaccine available as capacity and allotment allows. We ask that you have patience with the process, and promise that anyone who wants the vaccine, will get one!

Currently, DHD#10 has waitlists for Seniors 65+, Phase 1A Healthcare Workers, and Phase 1B-Group B Priority Frontline Workers. If you fall in one of these categories, visit to get on the waitlist. DHD#10 is also planning for Phase 1B-Group C Essential Workers and have created an Interest Survey for employers in this group. This interest survey that will help us plan for vaccinating this group next, as supply allows.

We all need to continue wearing masks properly, social distancing, and hand washing to reduce the spread of COVID in our communities even as the vaccine is being administered. Having patience with local health and each other will be vital for moving Michigan forward safely, as quickly as possible. We’ve come so far since the start of this pandemic, and with this vaccine, we finally have hope on the horizon. 

Kevin Hughes

Health Officer

District Health Department #10

3986 N. Oceana Drive

Hart, MI 49420

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