Letter to Editor:  Eden clerk candidate’s statements are misleading.

July 29, 2020

Letter to Editor:  Eden clerk candidate’s statements are misleading.

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In his letter, Mr. Nash is referring to the candidates’ profile featured on Mason County Press Sunday, July 26, 2020. See that article here.

Dear Editor: 

 As the Eden Township Supervisor I find clerk candidate Duane Stickney’s comments very misleading.  The clerk’s salary increase in 2018 was made, by a 4-1 majority vote, to bring the wages in line with other townships in the county that were comparable to Eden in population.  This is unlike what Duane Stickney proposed this year when he tried to raise the treasure’s salary by $2,500 putting it at the top of the salary range, compared to the townships of Mason County.  His wife is the treasurer, so his proposal was completely out of line, but he not only proposed it he fought vehemently  to try and pass it.  By his candidate statement it appears he wants to be a good steward of the township’s money except when applied to his family. 

Duane Stickney has been on the board for three years and eight months.  He has approved 20-plus meeting minutes and four yearly budgets without a dissenting vote and very few comments.  He has never brought up or asked for dialog concerning the claims he made in his statement.  As a trustee that is his job, but he would rather attack the clerk’s office and the board when he could have been  working with us.  He totally does not understand how a township board or any board works.  One person is not the majority and any member can voice their thoughts.  Instead Duane Stickney chooses to wait and attack others to jockey for political gain in an election.

Roger Nash

Supervisor, Eden Township


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