Letter to the Editor: Bond offers chance for better education for next generation.

April 25, 2019

Letter to the Editor: Bond offers chance for better education for next generation.

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Dear Editor:

As we enter into the final weeks before the vote of the bond issue for improvements to the facilities at Ludington Area Schools, I wanted to voice my support of the bond. Much like learning to read by first learning the ABCs this bond lays the groundwork of student engagement from an early age and provides foundational support throughout the entire learning process. The planned construction of a new pre-K through fifth grade building would be instrumental in laying the groundwork of education within the system. That coupled with sweeping upgrades to modernize the middle and high school complex will provide an exciting and modern learning experience.

My wife and I certainly understand the financial struggles that come with raising a young family. However, it has always been our goal to provide our daughters with better opportunities than we had while growing up. Now that’s not to say that we weren’t provided with outstanding educational support, but much like society, times have changed and so have the opportunities. It is our desire for our daughters to learn in a safe, engaging environment that will allow them the opportunity to be successful in the future. It is our sincere hope that we create long term educational opportunities for all students within the district, so we can develop and retain our homegrown talent.

We view this bond proposal not as a cost but instead as an investment into the long-term success of our daughters, school system and community. Ludington is blessed with gifted teachers a committed administration and a desirable community to live. Our aging buildings and infrastructure need to modernize to offer new and exciting opportunities while offering a more efficient learning platform.

Seth Earl

Hamlin Township

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