Smith & Eddy, Gary Anderson receive Chamber’s highest honors.

May 6, 2018

Some of the employees of Smith & Eddy Insurance.

Smith & Eddy, Gary Anderson receive Chamber’s highest honors.

By Rob Alway, Editor-in-Chief.

HAMLIN TOWNSHIP — Smith & Eddy Insurance and Gary Anderson were recipients of the Ludington & Scottville Area Chamber of Commerce’s highest awards Saturday night during the chamber’s annual dinner at Lincoln Hills Golf Club.

Smith & Eddy was awarded the 2017 Business of the Year and Anderson received the 2017 Community Service Award.

Gary Anderson, left, talks to Randy Wyman.

Smith & Eddy Insurance is based in Scottville, with offices in Ludington and Manistee. The company was founded in 1902, making it one of the oldest businesses in Mason County. President Scott Smith said any employee interviewing for a job at the company is always asked how they are involved in the community and if they are willing to commit to community service. Smith praised the other seven businesses nominated for the award, saying they were each worthy of the title. See related story.

Gary Anderson of Amber Township is a retired teacher from Mason County Central Schools but is still involved with teaching students and mentoring teachers at the West Shore Educational Service District, Gateway to Success Academy and West Shore Community College. He has been involved with the MCC Education Foundation since 1994 and since 1995 has been one of the leading organizers of the annual Scottville Community Auction, which raises money for the education foundation and the chamber. The auction has raised over $500,000. Anderson has also been involved with organizing the Lakestride running event since 1981. He also serves the community as a leader of Mason County Reformed Church and the Quality Deer Management Association.

Anderson told the audience that non of the projects he has been involved with could have been a success without other volunteers.

See related story for the other nominees.

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