Man suffers medical emergency, crashes into several mailboxes.

November 14, 2017

Man suffers medical emergency, crashes into several mailboxes.


HAMLIN TOWNSHIP — A 73-year-old Ludington man was flown by Aero Med to a Grand Rapids hospital after he suffered a medical emergency and crashed his vehicle into several mailboxes on Decker Road east of Jebavy Drive Monday, Nov. 13, at 9:39 a.m., according to Mason County Sheriff Kim Cole.

The following is other Mason County Sheriff’s Office activity Monday, Nov. 13, 2017:

– 2:30 a.m., car/deer crash, no injuries, Reek and Dewey roads, Sherman Township.

– 7:33 a.m., car/deer crash, no injuries, Custer Road near Michigan Avenue, Free Soil Township.

– 5:30 p.m., one-vehicle crash, no injuries, US 10 and Brye Road, Amber Township.

– 5:34 p.m., car/deer crash, no injuries, US 31 and Sugar Grove Road, Sherman Township.

– 6 p.m., car/deer crash, no injuries, Fountain and Amber roads, Victory Township.

– 7:20 p.m., car/deer crash, no injuries, Schoenherr and Hansen roads, Branch Township.

– 10:30 p.m., car/deer crash, no injuries, US 10-31, Amber Township.

The police news is sponsored by ServPro with offices in Ludington, Manistee and Cadillac, 231-843-9075,

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