Rollover crash, assault top police activity.

March 30, 2017

servproRollover crash, assault top police activity.

#MasonCounty #PoliceNews

The following is recent police activity in Mason County:

Tuesday, March 28, 2017:

– 7:30 p.m., (Mason County Sheriff’s Office), a 46-year-old Ludington man was arrested on a warrant, Pere Marquette Township.

– 11:30 p.m., (MCSO), a 27-year-old woman was arrested on a warrant, Amber Township.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017:

– 2:14 p.m., (MCSO), assault, 1800 block of West Hansen Road, Amber Township. A report will be forwarded to the Mason County Prosecutor’s Office for review/possible charges.

– 3:40 p.m., (MCSO), one-vehicle rollover crash, minor injuries, Stiles Road north of Fountain Road, Victory Township.

– 4:05 p.m., (Michigan State Police), a suspicious subject on the road, Stiles Road near Meisenheimer Road, Riverton Township.

Thursday, March 30, 2017:

– 12:17 a.m., (MSP), a 26-year-old Ludington man was arrested for driving while license suspended, failure to transfer license plate and driving without insurance, US 10 near the McDonald’s restaurant, Pere Marquette Township.

The police news is sponsored by ServPro with offices in Ludington, Manistee and Cadillac, 231-843-9075,

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