Mark McClallum
LUDINGTON – Two children are reported missing in what is being described as a parental kidnapping case.
Douglas McCallum, 4, and Shelby McCallum, 2, were last known to be with their father, Mark McCallum, 52, on Wednesday, according to reports.
McCallum did not show up for a custody exchange Thursday, which is when Mason County Sheriff’s Office was called to investigate. Both parents are reported to live in Ludington.
Mark McCallum may be driving either a dark green 1995 Dodge pickup truck with Michigan license plate DALE12 or a dark blue 2005 Chevrolet Malibu with Michigan license plate 1CDX85.
He has family ties in the Grand Rapids area and in Arizona, police said in a news release.
Authorities have not yet released pictures of the kids or their father, or have issued an Amber Alert.
You are asked to call Mason/Ocean Central Dispatch at either 911 or 231.869.5858 or the Mason County Sheriff’s Office at 231.843.3475 if you can assist the investigation.