Posts Tagged ‘ ludington news ’

Scarbrough joins MCP team

February 12, 2013
Scarbrough joins MCP team

Editor’s Note: The MCP is growing up. We are in the process of adding correspondents to our team. Yesterday we announced the addition of Lisa Enos, who will be covering the county commission and West Shore Community College. Today, I am pleased to announced the addition of Allison Scarbrough. Allison Scarbrough is joining our team as a freelance correspondent and…

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The Kitchen Sink: New adventures

October 8, 2012
The Kitchen Sink: New adventures

I am suffering from a serious case of vacation hangover. No, it is not from Norwegian beer, or the shots of Sweet & Hot – or is it Hot& Sweet? (I never did figure out the name of licorice and pepper flavored liquor, and quite frankly, am hoping I NEVER see it again.) It may still be a bit of…

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Eats & Drinks

Eats & Drinks