School Secretary – Hart High School
Full time 11 months of the year
Qualifications Include
- Administrative Writing Skills
- Excellent Customer Service
- Reporting Skills
- Supply Management
- Scheduling
- Extremely proficient in Google Docs, Drive, Sheets, Calendar etc.
- Microsoft Office Skills/Keyboarding
- Professionalism/Confidentiality
- Organization
- Travel Logistics
- Verbal Communication
Criminal Records Check: By law, the selected applicant is required to complete a criminal records check. This will be at the prospective employee’s expense and kept on file at the Central Business Office.
Location: Hart High School
Estimated Starting Date: May 2021
Anticipated Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Evenings/weekends possible
Reports to: Brandon Bruce, Principal
Salary: Salary in keeping with the salary schedule as negotiated with the Hart Board of Education
Application Procedure:
Submit letter of interest, resume’ (including references) to:
Hart Public Schools
Kathy Wilson, Human Resources
301 W. Johnson Street
Hart, MI 49420
Deadline for Applying: April 20, 2021 or until filled.