Public Notice: Change in Road Commission Removal of Roadkill

Public Notice: Change in Road Commission Removal of Roadkill

Due to attempts by EGLE and the DNR to prosecute several road commissions for trespassing, poaching, littering, ground, and groundwater contamination etc., Road Commissions have changed procedures for pickup of dead deer/and or roadkill effective immediately.

 We will only remove dead deer/animals from the roadway (traveled portion of the road) when they present a hazard to the motoring public.  We may also move them when they interfere with our maintenance activities such as plowing/mowing.  We will drag them as close to a 90-degree angle as possible to the front slope of the ditch or the back slope if necessary for our maintenance activities.  Animals that die and are not a hazard to motorists and do not interfere with maintenance activities will be left where they lie.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact the DNR, EGLE or your State Representative.

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