
Renovate! Ice ice baby

February 22, 2012
Renovate! Ice ice baby

  By CHRISTIAN COOK mcp columnist   Q. It’s been a mild winter so far but in years past I have dealt with major ice cycles coming from my roof. I’ve considered replacing my roof with a steel roof to fix it. Should I take advantage of this mild winter and have my roof done before we get a big…

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Renovate! Kitchens

February 1, 2012
Renovate! Kitchens

  Renovate!  By CHRISTIAN COOK   Q. We live in a turn-of-the-century farm house and are hoping to improve the very dated kitchen. I know that the kitchen is the heart of our home and a major factor in its equity. I have heard of kitchens costing as little as a couple thousand dollars and that the high side is…

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Renovate! with Christian Cook

January 22, 2012
Renovate! with Christian Cook

Editor’s note: Welcome to Renovate! with Christian Cook. Christian and I have known each other for almost 30 years. He is one of my closest friends. Christian is a Scottville boy and a 1988 graduate of Mason County Central. He and his wife, Crystal, have three amazing and beautiful daughters and live in Hart. They are the owners of Cottage…

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Eats & Drinks

Eats & Drinks