
Perfect day for Big Sable

March 5, 2012
Perfect day for Big Sable

  The Big Sable Lighthouse stands out against a bright blue sky this afternoon. It was the perfect day for a crosscountry ski trip out to the historical landmark.

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Winter Scene

March 5, 2012
Winter Scene

John Mickevich of Ludington took this photograph on Millerton Road over the weekend.

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Eagle on Millerton

February 26, 2012
Eagle on Millerton

Sarah Hendrickson, 11, took this picture of an eagle today on East Millerton Road. Susan Hendrickson said the two of them were driving down the road when Sarah spotted the eagle. “She got out and tried to get closer,” Susan said. “She was able to get this shot.”

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Winter wonderland

February 24, 2012
Winter wonderland

While our neighbors to the south received several inches of snow over-night, here in Mason County we got a slight teaser. This morning’s snow was wet and heavy, making for a beautiful white coating on trees, such as this scene on Johnson Road in Amber Township.

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Snow owl

February 22, 2012
Snow owl

Nathan DeWeerd of Buttersville Peninsula, Pere Marquette Township took this picture of a snow owl tonight. “I was sitting in my living room, playing cards with my son and watching the remnants of a partially cloudy sunset on the lake, when a white bird caught my eye,” Nathan said. “I initially thought, ‘It’s pretty late for a seagull to be…

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