Life in Riverton

Life in Riverton by Carmelitta Tiffany

March 4, 2012
Life in Riverton by Carmelitta Tiffany

All Winter in a Day   By CARMELITTA TIFFANY mcp blogger There was snow on the ground, enough to shovel, last Saturday. I got out my new snowshoes, and, after watching my son and future daughter-in-law jump on their snowmobiles and speed off, I began to tramp through the snow to the pond in the back of my property. Charlie,…

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Life in Riverton: Hunting for the northern lights

February 24, 2012
Life in Riverton: Hunting for the northern lights

  By CARMELITTA TIFFANY mcp blogger   Another great thing about living in the country is the night sky. With no “light pollution” from city lights, the night sky in the country is a sight to behold. The stars are so brilliant and when there are celestial events, like meteor showers, lunar eclipses, or, the most beautiful sight of all,…

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Tuesday Night Therapy

February 13, 2012
Tuesday Night Therapy

  By CARMELITTA TIFFANY columnist   It may be called an all-American pastime, but to me, it’s much more than that.   Every Tuesday night, five middle-aged ladies congregate at a local venue to throw a big plastic ball at ten two-foot tall pins. We’re called the Jensen Construction team, and we usually struggle to stay off the last…

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Life in Riverton: A February warm spell

February 5, 2012
Life in Riverton: A February warm spell

    By CARMELITTA TIFFANY columnist   It was a glorious day here today, Saturday, Feb. 4 – one that would have made the groundhog really confused. I actually got a bit sunburned by staying outside for the majority of the afternoon, trimming roses and cleaning up the yard. A coat was too heavy for me, so I pulled…

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Morton Hill sledding, a Riverton tradition

January 29, 2012
Morton Hill sledding, a Riverton tradition

Life in Riverton   By CARMELITTA TIFFANY contributing columnist   Although it’s been a pretty pitiful winter here, when there’s a layer of any depth of snow, sledders can be found on Morton Hill, on Morton Road south of Hawley Road. Last Saturday was no exception. Despite the chill and damp, biting wind, a steady stream of excitement-seekers climbed…

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Eats & Drinks

Eats & Drinks