The Kitchen Sink

Gray socks.

November 15, 2014
Gray socks.

The Kitchen Sink. A blog by Stephanie Wagner.  Hospital issue gray socks, with the little non-slip nubbies crisscrossed on the bottom so you don’t slide on the polished floors. Gray socks, slightly askew, on the ends of bare white legs.  Gray socks, poking out from under thin white flannel blankets.  Gray socks, wrapped in crinkly plastic, on top of the…

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101 reasons why I am not taken seriously… or just one really big one.

October 5, 2014
101 reasons why I am not taken seriously… or just one really big one.

The Kitchen Sink. A blog by Stephanie Wagner.  For the past several months, I have been toying with the idea of starting my own small business.  My method of trying things out is to talk to as many people as I possibly can.   I read whatever I can get my hands on.  I go until I am saturated with…

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Welcome back, Stephanie.

September 24, 2014
Welcome back, Stephanie.

The Kitchen Sink. A blog by Stephanie Wagner. I have had several people ask me lately why I stopped writing.  There are the usual excuses – I have been busy, the kids were home for summer, we have been too busy with the house – and while those are all true, they aren’t the whole story. True confession time.  I…

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Standing up for what we believe in

April 27, 2014
Standing up for what we believe in

I am blessed with a pretty awesome book group.  There are twelve of us, a diverse group in age, life experiences, religious background, education, and, ironically, taste in books. What is fascinating to me is we can bring all of that into the circle we sit in once a month, and just have real dialogue.  I get to view the…

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You can teach an old house new tricks!

April 19, 2014
You can teach an old house new tricks!

The Kitchen Sink. A blog by Stephanie Wagner.  Finally – after months of never being alone in my house, agonizing over decisions that I never knew existed, and ruining two vacuum cleaners with construction debris – the kitchen is finished! Here is the recap:  We bought a house that was built in 1891.  It was in great condition compared to…

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Eats & Drinks

Eats & Drinks