Full Circle

An unentitled sense of entitlement

March 9, 2014
An unentitled sense of entitlement

Full Circle. A blog by Thad Ray. It’s interesting how much controversy a Coke commercial can stir up. People are mad because the people in the commercial were singing “America the Beautiful” in different languages. People are mad because there was a gay couple with a child in the commercial. People are mad because people are different from them, and…

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Back on track

November 11, 2013
Back on track

Full Circle. A blog by Thad Ray. I apologize. I realize that it’s been some time since I’ve posted a blog. I’ve been getting requests for new posts, and it’s been on my mind a lot lately. I’ve had what I first thought was some type of writer’s block, and because of this, I was pretty lackadaisical in my approach…

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When I grow up

February 28, 2013
When I grow up

Full Circle. A blog by Thad Ray. As a child I was asked “What do you want to be when you grow up?,” and I honestly can’t think of a day in my life when I woke up and said, “I want to be average.” Though there are things I’m average at, striving for mediocrity has never been part of…

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My cold dead hands

January 17, 2013
My cold dead hands

A blog by Thad Ray. I do not own a gun. Although I don’t own one, I do not have a problem with guns. If some magic fairy waved her wand and every gun in the world disappeared, well, I wouldn’t have a problem with that either. I don’t believe the world would be a better or worse place without…

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Ghosts of the past, remembering the Uncle Jack’s Saloon

March 21, 2012
Ghosts of the past, remembering the Uncle Jack’s Saloon

FULL CIRCLE     By THAD RAY mcp blogger “I got a pocket full of quarters and I’m headed to the arcade…” is how the song Pac-Man Fever starts out. Other than the chorus, the first line is about the only one I can remember from the song. If you had asked me in 1982 when the song came out…

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Eats & Drinks

Eats & Drinks