Finding my weigh

What a tool

March 1, 2013

Finding my Way. A blog by Lexi Alvesteffer. 2/28/13 It’s been some time since my last blog entry, 18 days to be exact. A lot has changed in those 18 days and I’ve been spending my time adjusting to my shrinking body and the foods that I’m now allowed to put in it. I can currently have soft proteins. This…

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An old friend comes to call

February 10, 2013

Finding my Weigh. A blog by Lexi Alvesteffer. Feb. 10, 2013 So I’ve mentioned in previous blogs how I feel that I have a healthy amount of self-confidence for someone who started this journey 100 pounds overweight because I’m confident in who I am as a person and because I simply didn’t look in the mirror after getting dressed every…

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On the verge

January 29, 2013

Finding My Weigh, a blog by Lexi Alvesteffer. On the verge… Here I am, day 13 of the pre-op liquid diet and officially 1 day, 21 hours and 51 minutes (give or take) away from the surgery that will change my life forever. I’m feeling a myriad of emotions these last few days, some I didn’t really expect, like this…

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Finding my weigh: what to do, what to do?

January 22, 2013

A blog by Lexi Alvesteffer. Today is Day 1 of my 2 week liquid fast prior to surgery. It’s now 5:31 p.m. and I’ve eaten Greek yogurt, a protein shake, and low-sodium chicken broth so far today. I was getting ready to prepare some cream of something soup for my dinner and I realized something, eating is my hobby. It’s…

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Finding my weigh, in the beginning

January 18, 2013

A blog by Lexi Alvesteffer. So, this is the beginning. Of my blog, that is. In the five months since I started the process of having bariatric sleeve surgery, there have been times that I’ve questioned why I was doing it. I’m not truly an unhealthy person. I’ve had my bouts with high cholesterol and high blood pressure but both…

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Eats & Drinks

Eats & Drinks