4-Hers to learn how to survive Zombie Apocalypse, and other emergencies.

September 20, 2017

4-Hers to learn how to survive Zombie Apocalypse, and other emergencies.


SCOTTVILLE — Are your kids ready for the Zombie Apocalypse? If not, they may want to join the newest Mason County 4-H club, the 4-H Zombie Preppers. The club really isn’t for a zombie takeover (in case you didn’t know, zombies aren’t real — or are they?), but, it’s purpose is to teach skills necessary to survive a natural disaster like a hurricane, or tornado.

The club will teach emergency preparedness skills such as how to shelter in place, how to survive without electricity, basic first aid, and sanitation to Mason County youth but with the added enjoyment of all sessions having the added theme of preparing for the Zombie Apocalypse.  The program culminates with all participants staging a mock zombie apocalypse that pits the human race against a horde of the undead.

The 4-H Zombie Preppers meets every Monday from 4 to 6 p.m. at the Mason County District Library Scottville branch, 204 E. State St., beginning October 16 and going through November 20.  Each meeting will cover a different aspect of emergency preparedness.  Because of the more advanced aspects of this program, only those 10-years-old and up are able to sign up.  Space is limited to the first 10 participants and that Zombie Apocalypse isn’t too far away.

To sign up for the program, all participants must be enrolled in Mason County 4-H.  To enroll, visit the website mi.4honline.com and select 4-H Zombie Preppers as the club you wish to participate in.  There is a participation fee of $20 but that fee covers all programs available in Mason County 4-H ranging from animal science, dog obedience and agility, STEM mentoring, and much more.

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