MCC Educational Foundation donates to The Boot.

October 12, 2015
Sheriff Kim Cole, right, receives a check from Tim Genson, center, and Superintendent Jeff Mount.

Sheriff Kim Cole, right, receives a check from Tim Genson, center, and Superintendent Jeff Mount.

SCOTTVILLE — Mason County Central Educational Foundation recently donated $1,000 to purchase four “Boot” school door security devices. See related background story here.

“I think in light of the tragic event in Oregon, it makes the ALICE (school safety) training we received a few weeks ago at MCC even more relevant,” said Tim Genson, president of the foundation. “ALICE  is a more proactive and aggressive way at combating a school intruder and provide the safest environment possible for our students. The door boots are a very effective and simple deterrent. They quickly and easily create a lock down (the “L” in ALICE by the way) scenario for classrooms which make it almost impossible for intruders to penetrate a room.”

The Mason County School Safety Planning Committee, aided by private donors like the MCCEF and other individuals, is working on an initiative to raise money for a Boot device to be placed on every classroom door in every school district in Mason County.

The funding for four boots will add to other private money from donors around the county. The four boots the foundation is purchasing will be placed in Mason County Central school buildings.

“The mission of the educational foundation is to enhance the learning environment and we believe that door boots are an enhancement that our learning centers need,” Genson said.

Those wishing to donate, may send a check to The Friends of the Mason County Sheriff’s Office, c/o Community Foundation for Mason County, PO Box 10, Ludington, MI 49431. Memo: The Boot.

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