Community Foundation recaps 2023 grants

February 29, 2024

Community Foundation recaps 2023 grants

The Community Foundation for Mason County has supported the community for 35 years, and 2023 was no different.

School behavioral health telemedicine. Art supplies and lessons for underserved children and adults. Community access to the Pere Marquette River. Community center feasibility study. Meade Township pickleball courts. Home help aides for adults with disabilities. WSCC, CTE & Me Day for third graders. Refrigerators for families in need. Multi-use trail planning. Healing materials for the children’s advocacy center. These are just a few of the good things happening in Mason County, thanks to the generosity of our donors.

The Foundation awarded $1,167,407 in grants in 2023, which includes $167,788 through a competitive grant process and $999,619 granted from sponsorships, donor-advised, scholarship, community project, and organization endowment funds. Grants out of Mason County Funds for the Community provided support to a wide variety of nonprofit programs, capacity building, scholarships, and community projects. A full list of 2023 grant awards can be viewed by clicking here.

“Looking back, we can see how donations through the Foundation have made an impressive impact on Mason County,” said Patti Klevorn, Foundation board chair. “Looking ahead, we are ready to play our role in strengthening partnerships to serve this community.”

The Community Foundation’s vision was reaffirmed in 2021 when a strategic planning process began to guide where it could make the largest impact with its investments of grant dollars, community engagement, and advocacy. The process involved surveying stakeholders, community leaders, nonprofit organizations, donors, trustees, youth advisory council, volunteers, and staff to determine the areas of focus. The planning process resulted in three strategic goals:

  • Advance Educational Attainment
  • Improve Workforce Supports
  • Increase Recreation and Quality of Life Opportunities 

Learn more about the strategic grant making priorities by visiting here.

The deadline for the Youth Advisory Council (YAC) Competitive Grant Application is March 1. YAC funds programs that seek to meet the needs of Mason County youth in the areas of youth mental health, teen stress, and youth substance use prevention. All 501(c)(3) organizations, churches, schools, agencies, and governmental units serving youth in Mason County are eligible. Go to Applying for a Grant – Community Foundation Mason County ( to apply.

The Community Foundation for Mason County hosted a Grant Seekers Workshop on January 11, in which the Foundation team guided nonprofit representatives through the competitive grant application with a special focus on constructing project budgets. The Community Foundation will provide additional networking and learning opportunities throughout 2024. Awards from the Community Foundation and YAC spring grant rounds will be announced in the coming weeks.

“We are so grateful for our fundholders, donors, and community partners,” said Andrea Large, Community Foundation executive director. “We look forward to our continued work together to create a more vibrant community with opportunities for all.”

Have a question or need support in completing a grant application? Contact Andrea Large at or 231.845.0326.



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