Reader requests WSCC board save the pool

January 30, 2024

PM Township resident requests WSCC board save the pool

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Dear Editor,

I have attended several West Shore Community College board meetings and I am impressed with the attention given to programming and success for the students of WSCC.  President (Scott) Ward and the trustees also have been caretakers of a beautiful campus that has been renovated and maintained.

With that said I am bewildered as to why they would deem it necessary to close a swimming pool that has been a part of the recreation center for 50 years. An engineering study of the pool showed that structurally the pool is in good condition. I understand that an investment would need to be made into the mechanics of the pool. There would also be options to choose what other aesthetic improvements would be made. A new roof and locker room renovations have already been completed and renovations to the remainder of the recreation center have been planned.

The current board of WSCC has been entrusted with this pool. They must now decide whether they will spend money to remove the pool and its mechanical system or to upgrade and maintain the pool.  As a member of the community and avid swimmer I ask the board to look at the pool and its potential and move forward with an upgrade and maintenance plan along with program development that will serve our community.

Please consider opening up our pool to water exercise classes, swimming lessons, water safety programs, school groups and open swim times for families and teenagers. Increased usage will bring in more funds. We already have this swimming pool in place. The WSCC board has committed to renovating the recreation center building and later the administrative building. I ask them to please commit the funding to renovate and maintain what they were entrusted with 50 years ago. If this pool is closed we know we will never get it back. Although LHS and Manistee’s pools have been offered as alternatives they do not have the capacity to absorb the number of swimmers who use the WSCC pool.

Fifty years ago the administration of WSCC had a vision that encompassed learning in a healthy environment. Today our community prioritizes both exercise and mental health. I ask the WSCC Board of Trustees to please keep the pool that we already have and use your vision to provide aquatics programs that serve all ages in our community.


Pat Spaniola

Pere Marquette Township


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