Scottville replaces 90-plus year old water main

October 17, 2023

Scottville replaces 90-plus year old water main

By Rob Alway, Editor-in-Chief

SCOTTVILLE — The City of Scottville is currently replacing a 4-inch water main that was installed in 1930. The cast iron water main is located in the alley that runs behind the buildings on the east side of the 100 block of South Main Street. It provides water to nine buildings and is being replaced by an 8-inch ductile iron water main.

“The new water line will be a major improvement to what we had there before,” City Manager Jimmy Newkirk said.

The cost of the project is $289,925 and is being funded partially through the city’s water and sewer fund, its general fund and American Rescue Plan Act funds that were authorized by the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) program.

Hallack Contracting of Hart is the general contractor for the project. Newkirk said the project is expected to be completed in November. It will include the repaving of the alley.

“This project will serve our city for many years to come and will also be beneficial to the new businesses that are planned for that side of the street,” said Mayor Marcy Spencer. “This is an example of the commitment the current city commission and city leadership has to improving our town.”

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