The Hamlin Report, August 2023

August 15, 2023

The Hamlin Report, August 2023

By Nancy VanderVest, Hamlin Township Supervisor

Zoning and Planning

  • Ten land use permits were issued in July.  
  • The township board approved the purchase of a new computer/printer for the Zoning Administrator.
  • The Planning Commission’s next meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 11, 2023 at 6 p.m.  
  • The Township Board approved several zoning amendments to Ordinance No. 45.

Fire Department

There were 30 runs in July consisting of 22 medicals, two utility line calls, two fires, one assist to another fire department, one  water emergency, and two illegal burns. The fire department’s runs are up by 47 compared to last year at this time. The fire department members are greatly appreciated and the services that they provide.


  • The Township Board approved a “paper” street vacate request for a portion of Locust Lane  located in the North Bayou Plat of Hamlin Township.
  • Grace Avenue drainage project should be completed on August 14, and August 15, 2023.  Residents may experience a detour.

New Township Business

  • Ron Key was appointed as a Hamlin Township trustee. He was graciously welcomed to the board.  
  • Johnaine Gurznyski, township trustee was appointed as an alternate member to the Western Mason County Fire District.
  • Ron Key was appointed as Hamlin Township fence viewer and as the Hamlin Township board representative to the Zoning Board of Appeals.
  • A $4,000.00 contribution was approved to the Mason County Community Center Exploratory Committee for the development of a feasibility study to determine the building and need for an indoor recreation and wellness facility.  The feasibility study cost is $28,000.

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