Fin & Feather Club to hold steel plate handgun shoot; CPL class

August 7, 2023

Fin & Feather Club to hold steel plate handgun shoot; CPL class

Steel plate handgun shoot

SHERMAN TOWNSHIP — The Mason County Fin & Feather Club is planning to hold a steel plate handgun shoot. The fun shoot would be open to anyone wanting to try their skills with their handgun and shooting ability. All skill levels and handguns are welcome, except magnum calibers. Cost would be $10. 

The club is asking for feedback on what day of the weekend would work best, Saturday or Sunday. Contact Frank Koehle for feedback at 231-510-5558 or

CPL class

The club will be offering a concealed pistol license (CPL) class on Friday, Sept. 1 from 6 to 9:30 p.m. and Saturday, Sept. 2, all day with live range shooting in the afternoon. The entire class will take place at the Fin & Feather Club’s grounds, 3276 N. Darr Rd.

Class size is limited.

Cost is $50 for Fin & Feather Club members, $100 for non club members.

Pre-registration is required. Call Jim Glover at 231-907-8330.

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