Community Cats spays 1,400th cat

June 5, 2023

Community Cats spays 1,400th cat

VICTORY TOWNSHIP — Community Cats TNR, a local, non-profit group of volunteers, in partnership with Country Veterinary Clinic, has trap-neuter-returned (TNRd) 1,400 Community Cats as of May 23, 2023.

Cat number 1,400 is a tabby and white female.  She was spayed and vaccinated by Dr. Alex Alvarado, of Country Veterinary Clinic.  

The cat was sharing kittens with another mother cat.  Between them, they had seven kittens.  All of the kittens are weaned and now are in foster homes.  All seven will be ready for adoption very soon. They are mostly white and gray or white and tabby.  Both mother cats are doing well.

During the past 11 years, volunteers for the Community Cats TNR program have been working with caregivers to TNR stray cats, primarily in urban locations, throughout Mason County.  Based upon calculations by the University of Washington Math Department, females TNRd so far by Community Cats TNR could have produced approximately 310,000 unwanted kittens in just seven years.  

Community Cats TNR focuses on homeless cats that need to be trapped for safe handling and transport to the veterinary clinic.  People who are caring for friendly strays are encouraged to arrange for surgery with their own veterinarian and to contact to secure a spay/neuter certificate to pay for a portion of the cost.  

Caregivers in Mason County who are feeding stray cats that cannot safely be handled are encouraged to call 231-845-7888 for more information on getting the colony spayed and neutered and vaccinated.  Persons interested in adopting these kittens and giving them a new start on life in a loving home, are also encouraged to call 231-845-7888.