MCC Bond Chat: MCC Music Teachers Discuss the Need for Community Support

April 25, 2023

MCC Bond Chat: MCC Music Teachers Discuss the Need for Community Support

SCOTTVILLE — Caleb Schultz, Mason County Central director of secondary music, and April Keith, MCC elementary music director, discuss the need for the community to step up and support the arts at Mason County Central. The 1.6 mill increase bond proposal includes the construction of a community events center, replacing the 64-year-old stage at the end of the outdated A.O. Carlson Gymnasium and putting MCC in line with most other schools comparable to its size. The bond, which, if passed on May 2, will raise $31.54 and will also focus on other facility upgrades with a major emphasis on safety and security, bringing the school buildings up to date for 21st century learning.

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For more information on the Mason County Central bond proposal, click here.