The Hamlin Report, March 2023

March 23, 2023

The Hamlin Report, March 2023

By Nancy VanderVest, Hamlin Township Supervisor

The following is a recap of what’s been happening in Hamlin Township over the last couple of months and what’s being work on in the near future. 

Zoning Board of Appeals: 

The Hamlin Township Zoning Board of Appeals met on February 27, 2023 to reconvene on and act upon a previously adjourned variance request by Stix & and Stones, LLC, owner of Stix Bar, 1963 N. Lakeshore Dr.,  to allow a pavilion to remain within three feet on the west property line.

Hamlin Township Zoning Ordinance 45, now in effect, §12.04 (B), Article 4 provides that all structures in the commercial district, including accessory buildings and structures, must be at least 12 feet from the nearest side yard lot line. Variance sought: 9 feet. 

The variance request was denied. 

The ZBA also met Monday, March 6, 2023. Lincoln Hills Golf Club, 1527 N. Lakeshore Drive, was seeking a variance from a portion of Hamlin Township Zoning  Ordinance 45, now in effect. Lincoln Hills requested to construct an additional storage building.  With the new building, the square footage would exceed the allowed by 2,240 square feet.  

Hamlin Township Zoning Ordinance 45, Article 4 §4.06 ‘B’ states that 10 Acres or more, 3200 square feet is the maximum allowed for accessory      buildings.  

Variance requested: 2,240 square feet.  The variance was granted. 


Hamlin Township’s five-year Recreation Plan has been approved by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources until Dec. 31, 2026. Hamlin Township is eligible to submit a Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund, Land and Water Conservation Fund and/or a Recreation Passport Grant Application(s).

Pending permit approval from Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy (EGLE), Hamlin Township will be reconstructing/replacing the seawall at the Long Skinny Park on N. Lakeshore Drive this summer.


Hamlin Township has been working with the Mason County Road Commission to replace the South Bayou Bridge on North Lakeshore Drive.  Specifications/plans are currently being prepared to install a concrete box culvert.

Hamlin Township, in cooperation with the Mason-Lake Conservation District, will be treating the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid, an invasive insect, which was detected at the Wilson Hill Park.  The Hemlock Woolly Adelgid will be treated though a grant that has been secured.

Other township business: 

The Township’s hall roof will be repaired this spring by G. Freeland Roofing Company.

The Hamlin Township Transfer Facility is operating on the winter hours through April 30, 2023.  Beginning May 1, 2023 the Transfer Facility will be open Monday, Wednesday and Saturday’s from 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.   Hamlin Township requests residents to please be courteous to the staff and have your garbage and recycling disposed of five minutes prior to closing which gives the staff time to close up the bins and gate.

Hamlin Township Board of Trustees also approved a Resolution recognizing nonprofit status for the Rick Chapman Legacy League.

The  2023-2024 Recycling Decals are available for purchase for the next fiscal year which runs April 1, 2023 through March 31, 2024.  The cost is $20 for Hamlin Township residents.  The decals can be purchased at the Hamlin Township Office.

The next Hamlin Township meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 30, 2023 at 4:30 p.m., which is Hamlin Township’s Settlement Meeting as the Township’s fiscal year ends.

The Hamlin Township Planning Commission will meet on Monday, April 3, 2023 at 6 p.m., at the Hamlin Township Hall.

For more information visit the township’s website:

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