Man working on semi hit by passing vehicle that flees the scene.

September 20, 2021

Man working on semi hit by passing vehicle that flees the scene.

The police news is a presentation of Lenz-Balder Insurance, offering Nationwide Insurance, 201 E. Court St., Ludington, 231-845-6279,

GRANT TOWNSHIP — A 26-year-old Ludington man, who had been working on a semi-truck on the roadway, was hit by a passing vehicle when he stepped off the truck’s cab on Hoague Road west of Amber Road Saturday, Sept. 18, shortly after 4 p.m., according to Mason County Sheriff Kim Cole.

The vehicle that struck him left the scene. The victim did not seek medical treatment.

Other police activity in Mason County over the weekend includes:

Friday, Sept. 17, 2021:

– 3:57 p.m., (Mason County Sheriff’s Office), alarm activation, Logan Township.

– 5 p.m., (MCSO), two-vehicle crash, no injury, US 10 west of Jebavy Drove, Pere Marquette Township.

– 6:02 p.m., (MCSO), two-vehicle crash, no injury, US 10 and Walhalla Road, Branch Township.

– 10 p.m., (MCSO), car/deer crash, no injury, US 10 east of Tuttle Road, Custer Township.

Saturday, Sept. 18, 2021:

– 12:46 a.m., (MCSO), one-vehicle crash, no injury, Hansen Road, west of US 31, Amber Township. A 25-year-old Fountain man was cited for second-offense driving while license suspended (DWLS).

– 7 a.m., (MCSO), car/deer crash, no injury, US 31 north of Johnson Road, Custer Township.

– 11:36 a.m., (MCSO), two-vehicle crash, no injury, US 10 and US 31 on-ramp, Amber Township.

– 12:07 p.m., (MCSO), two-vehicle crash, no injury, Scottville and Meisenheimer roads, Riverton Township.

– 2:20 p.m., (Ludington Police Department), ​a 33-year-old Ludington man was arrested on a two-count probation absconder warrant issued by the 51st Circuit Court, Danaher and Delia streets, City of Ludington. ​He was lodged in the Mason County Jail.

– ​3:12 p.m., (LPD), ​a 32-year-old Ludington man was cited for DWLS, Danaher and Rowe​ streets, City of Ludington.

​- 4:17 p.m., (LPD), ​a 46-year-old Ludington man was arrested on a contempt of court warrant issued by the 79th District Court, 100 Water Street​, City of Ludington. He was lodged in the Mason County Jail.

Sunday, Sept. 19, 2021:

– 12:15 a.m., (MCSO), car/deer crash, no injury, Decker Road east of Schoenherr Road, Branch Township.

– 1:12 a.m., (MCSO), a 24 year-old Fountain man was cited for driving while license suspended (DWLS) following a traffic stop, US 10 and Jebavy Drive, Pere Marquette Township.

– 3:15 a.m., (LPD), ​a 26-year-old Custer man was arrested for disorderly conduct and resisting arrest, 100 block of West Melendy Street, City of Ludington​. Police were called to the scene to investigate a disturbance The man was yelling out on the sidewalk and would not quiet down when asked to by officers, said Cpt. Steve Wietrzykowski. “The man started yelling over the officers’ voices as they tried to calm him down. When told he was under arrest by the officers, the man pulled his arms away and struggled with officers on the ground.” He was lodged in the Mason County Jail. “An officer sustained a minor knee injury during the arrest, but did not require any medical attention. The man had a cut on his hand, but it was determined he sustained the cut prior to the arrival of police.”

– 4 a.m., (MCSO), car/deer crash, no injury, US 31 and Budde Road, Free Soil Township.

– 3:27  p.m., (MCSO), a 36-year-old Ludington man was arrested following a 911 call reporting an unwanted person on the property, 2200 block of North Benson Road, Sheridan Township. An investigation found the man had three outstanding misdemeanor warrants for his arrest — two for failure to appear issued by LPD and the Benzie County Sheriff’s Office and one for criminal contempt of court issued by the Manistee County Sheriff’s Office.

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