Road commission offers online snow plowing status.

November 9, 2020

Road commission offers online snow plowing status.

SCOTTVILLE — The Mason County Road Commission (MCRC) has launched a new, interactive map called Snowpaths. The service will keep people informed of the snow removal process on roads maintained by the road commission for the 2020-21 winter season.  

“We believe that providing Snowpaths will allow residents and public agencies to safely plan their commute by seeing current status of plowing operations,” said Mary Samuels, general manager of the road commission. “Additionally, they will be able to isolate a specified location to view the status of that road during a snow and ice event, as well as a complete overview of the entire area to map out their commute.  Residents will also have access to customized alerts to stay informed of critical information during snow and ice events.”

The road commission will evaluate Snowpaths at the end of the season for effectiveness, increased snow removal efficiency and public usage and feedback, Samuels said.  “If MCRC continues Snowpaths in the future we plan on working with the software engineers to track the brine application processes and showing road closures that are either due to construction or major storm events.”

For more information on Snowpaths please visit

To view the MCRC Snowpaths service, please visit

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