Beautification Grant Funds Available to Mason County Businesses

September 14, 2020

Beautification Grant Funds Available to Mason County Businesses

PERE MARQUETTE TOWNSHIP —  Mason County businesses may be eligible to receive funding for beautification of exterior spaces under a new grant program, announced by the Ludington & Scottville Area Chamber of Commerce and the Pennies from Heaven Foundation.

The purpose of thE grant is to support small businesses with outdoor projects providing additional space for merchandise and/or areas for customers to enjoy. For example, companies may wish to create outdoor seating or murals, improve lighting or purchase sunshades. The selection committee is willing to consider any creative project that would be an asset to the business and its patrons.

Applicants may request up to a 50 percent match of funds for a project, with the maximum grant totaling $5,000. Grant applications are due by 5 p.m. September 25.

“With the Coronavirus, it has been a tough year for everyone, and thankfully we had great weather this summer, which helped many of our businesses increase capacity to bring merchandise and tables for service outdoors,” said Brandy Miller, President/CEO of the Ludington & Scottville Area Chamber of Commerce. “We hope many businesses will get creative in how they utilize and beautify their outdoor spaces, even beyond the restrictions of COVID-19.”

To be eligible for a grant, a business must have a physical location in Mason County. Grant winners will be announced by October 15. To apply, visit:

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