Fin and Feather Club begins shotgun fun and championships.

July 14, 2020

Fin and Feather Club begins shotgun fun and championships.

SHERMAN TOWNSHIP — The Fin and Feather Club shotgun competitions for the summer have begun and will continue through September 15, with a barbecue party and prize event on Saturday, September 19. 

This year marks a new beginning for the championships, with new events and new processes. Shooters may enter as many or as few events as they wish. Skeet events will include 100 target skeet for 12 gauge, a separate class for 20 and 28 gauge combined, and a class for 410 bore. 

At the trap fields there are: 100 target 16 yard trap, 100 target skrap at 22 yards on an extended field, 100 target trap at 8 yards for 410 only, a 200 target combined 16 yard and handicap trap event and a 100 target doubles event consisting of 2 rounds of doubles. 

Entry for each event is $5 plus regular target fees, and shooters may enter any event up through September 15. Unlike in previous years, participants do not have to complete any event all in one day. They may declare any round as counting for score before it is begun, but once declared it will be counted. Thus, shooters can work around vacation plans, and it will be more comfortable to participate for those who do not want to push themselves to finish an event in a single day.

Shooting will take place on regular club shooting days on club shotgun ranges. Saturdays the trap and skeet ranges both open at 9 a.m. and close when shooters are finished or at noon. Tuesdays skeet opens at 3 p.m. and Trap at 4:30-5 p.m., with both closing when shooters are finished, but no later than 9 p.m. Activities on the Barbecue and prize day will be from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

For further information contact Bruce Rosema at 231-499-6000.

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