Free produce to be distributed Wednesday at fairgrounds.
PERE MARQUETTE TOWNSHIP — Lakeshore Food Club will be handing out fresh produce at the Mason County Fairgrounds on Wednesday, May 27 from 9 to 11:30 a.m. The food is from the US Department of Agriculture’s Farm to Families Food Box program.
“We are extremely excited to bring this opportunity to Mason County residents and families that are struggling during this crisis,” said O’Nealya Gronstal, executive director of the Lakeshore Food Club.
The USDA Farm to Families Fresh Produce boxes will each include one pound of strawberries, three pounds each of onion, cucumbers, and cabbage, five pounds of potatoes and five pounds of apples. Those picking up boxes are asked to enter the Mason County Fairgrounds via the US 10 entrance in their vehicle. Distribution will be a contact-less drive-through, with no ID or verification needed. A community volunteer will place a free box in each car.
“We are trying to make this as safe as possible for everyone involved. We are asking that everyone stays in their car and to be aware that there may be long lines,” said Gronstal.
For questions, please call the Lakeshore Food Club at (231) 480-4334. The LFC will be closed on Monday in observance of Memorial Day, but will be taking calls on Tuesday.