Spectrum Health Ludington Hospital Weekly Update, April 21, 2020. 

April 21, 2020

Spectrum Health Ludington Hospital Weekly Update, April 21, 2020. 

The following was submitted by Spectrum Health Ludington Hospital:

Spectrum Health Ludington Hospital is providing a weekly update regarding activities and current happenings related to the COVID-19 pandemic.  

We encourage you to visit spectrumhealth.org/covid-19. The dashboard below reflects the 16-county region served by Spectrum Health. Local information can be found on the District #10 Health Department web site at www.dhd10.org. 

As of Monday, April 20, 2020:

COVID-19 positive cases. To date, as of Monday, April 20, there are four confirmed cases in Mason County, three in Oceana County, 11 in Manistee County, and two in Lake County. Confirmed cases and deaths will be reported through District Health Department #10.  www.dhd10.org. Ludington Hospital has completed 197 specimen collections for testing.

COVID-19 triage tents dismantled: The triage tent erected on the east side of Ludington Hospital is scheduled to be dismantled on Wednesday, April 22, due to low patient volumes of COVID-19. This will necessitate a slight change in our screening, swabbing and testing process as detailed below. The tent will be placed back into service if and when needed.

Changes to our COVID-19 testing process: The testing process for COVID-19 at Spectrum Health Ludington Hospital still involves 3 steps:

  1. Screening:  Those who are having symptoms that could be the COVID-19 virus, such as fever, cough and shortness of breath, should first call the free Spectrum Health screening hotline at 1-833-559-0659. For emergency symptoms, please call 9-1-1. This step remains unchanged.
  2. Specimen Collection: Those who meet the criteria for testing through our hotline screening, will be given an appointment at Spectrum Health Ludington Hospital for a specimen collection. The appointment is scheduled directly with the patient through the Spectrum Health Grand Rapids call center. Patients will be given a specific appointment time and location and will be given a phone number to call when they arrive. They will remain in their car. A nurse will print the patient’s specimen label, bring the supplies and collect the specimen with the patient in the car. The collection is done via a swab of the back of the nasal cavity. No specimen collection is done without an order and an appointment.
  3. Testing:  Once a specimen is collected, it is tested, with results returned within 24 hours. Testing capacity across the country has been increasing, but test supplies are still very limited. Therefore, testing criteria must be met before an order will be given for specimen collection. To date, Spectrum Health Ludington Hospital has completed 197 swabs for tests. If a test comes back positive, notification is made to the patient and instructions given on what to do. District Health Department #10 will also follow up with the patient to determine potential exposures.

Screening Hotlines:  Several health care systems have screening hotlines. If a patient wants to have his or her specimen collection and test through Spectrum Health Ludington Hospital, they must call the Spectrum Health screening hotline number. The screening is free of charge. Not everyone is eligible for a test, even if he or she has symptoms of COVID-19. CDC criteria are in place nationwide to prioritize patients based on highest risk and greatest need given the limited testing supplies available.

e-ICU launches. Spectrum Health has launched an e-ICU (electronic intensive care unit) program that provides added ICU support in locations that have higher-than-normal patient volumes and illness acuity. The e-ICU adds a layer of patient monitoring and support. Remote monitoring stations are staffed by a Grand Rapids critical care team that provides proactive monitoring, mentoring and quick intervention as needed. The e-ICU service is in addition to the in person clinical presence already in place at the patient’s bedside. The e-ICU provides additional support services to our onsite teams for an added layer of support and peace of mind for patients and families. 

E-visits for family and caregivers. Due to visitor restrictions in place, Spectrum Health has implemented a technology solution that allows patients to electronically connect with their family and loved ones via i\Pads.

Non-urgent appointments and procedures. Appointments and procedures that are not urgent are being cancelled through April 27  to comply with the Governor’s executive order, and to help preserve personal protection equipment. We will continue to provide services that in a physician’s judgment are essential to a patient’s health, safety or welfare. Patients have been contacted if their appointment or surgery has been deferred and will be contacted if their physician determines that their appointment or surgery is appropriate to be rescheduled in the near future. We will work with our patients and physicians to ensure care is safe and appropriate. 

We will continue to take all precautions to protect patients and staff from exposure as in-person visits and appointments take place.

Emergency workers draw strength together. Emergency department workers in Grand Rapids draw strength from teamwork, training and community support in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9a0Q5KoIQF0 

Philanthropy continues to play a pivotal role. Spectrum Health has spent more than $12 million on COVID-19-related equipment, treatment and prevention measures, while revenue has substantially decreased as procedures and surgeries have been cancelled or postponed and clinics closed. The Spectrum Health Foundation Executive Committee originally allocated $500,000 in mid-March and on April 6 approved an additional $2 million from unrestricted assets to support Spectrum Health’s response to COVID-19. Donations can be made through https://www.spectrumhealth.org/covid19/giving-opportunities


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