Stay at home order extended to April 30.

April 9, 2020

Stay at home order extended to April 30.

LANSING — Today, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer extended the state’s stay at home order to April 30. The order, which has been in effect since March 24, was initially due to expire after April 13. During a Thursday afternoon press conference, Whitmer said the continued increase in COVID-19 cases and deaths in Michigan made an extension of the order unavoidable.

One of the changes to the order is limiting travel between two residences in the state, which has been a big push from State Rep. Jack O’Malley (R, Lake Ann) of the 101st House District, which includes Mason County. People will have through April 10 to travel to another residence in the state, after which point the travel will be deemed unnecessary until the order expires.

Another new addition to the order requires large stores to limit the number of people in the store at one time to no more than four customers for every 1,000 square feet of customer floor space. Small stores must limit capacity to 25 percent of the total occupancy limits, including employees, under fire codes.

Stores will be required to establish lines with markings to ensure 6 feet of social distancing while customers wait to enter the store. Areas of the store dedicated to carpeting, flooring, furniture, garden centers, plant nurseries or paint must remain closed.

The Michigan Farm Bureau is currently lobbying the governor and state legislators to allow the sale of plants.

Violating the executive order could result in a misdemeanor charge, a civil fine of up to $1,000 and possible licensing sanctions for businesses.

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