Clear skies tonight; partly cloudy Monday. 

March 15, 2020

Clear skies tonight; partly cloudy Monday. 

Smith & Eddy Insurance Weather.

Mostly clear tonight with a low temperature of 27 degrees.

Monday, March 16, 2020.

  • Partly cloudy. Showers expected in the evening.
  • High 39; low 35
  • Precipitation:0% day; 50% evening.
  • Wind: S 11 mph day; SW 11 mph evening.
  • Humidity: 67% day; 84% evening.
  • Sunrise: 7:55 a.m.; sunset, 7:54 p.m.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020 – St. Patrick’s Day!

  • Partly cloudy.
  • High 38; low 30
  • Precipitation: 10%
  • Wind: W 12 mph day; S 5 mph evening.
  • Humidity: 69% day; 75% evening.
  • Sunrise: 7:53 a.m.; sunset: 7:55 p.m.

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