Group discusses children’s museum water safety exhibit, outreach.

December 4, 2019

Group discusses children’s museum water safety exhibit, outreach.

By Rob Alway, Editor-in-Chief.

LUDINGTON — On Tuesday, Dec. 3, a group of local community advocates met at Sandcastles Children’s Museum to talk about the museum’s planned water safety exhibit. The proposed exhibit and community outreach program is in response to the seven water-related deaths that have occurred in Mason County this year.

“Part of the process of making a quality exhibit is research and discussion with community leaders,” said Sandcastles Executive Director Kristin Korendyke.

The exhibit itself will consist of a large wave table that kids can experiment with interactively. They will be able to use a crank and paddle wheel to create a wave pattern, while using movable sandbars to see how the rip current effect develops. When children launch a swimmer or drop a ball/object into the water, they will see and understand the swift action of the dangerous currents.

There will also be a large selection of life jackets that kids can try on and learn how to fit and fasten properly. Not only will prizes will be provided by Sandcastles’ staff when a child models his or her correctly fitted life jacket, but the child will also get his photo taken so it can be displayed sharing with others that visit Sandcastles that life jackets are cool to wear and save lives.

Other features of the exhibit will include a large video monitor with different educational videos that can be viewed by families as they interact with the exhibit, appealing graphics, maps/charts, charts and emphasis on the flip, float, follow swimming technique.

“We are looking for partners to help us make this the best exhibit for educating families on how to stay safe in our beautiful, yet powerful Lake Michigan,” Korendyke said. “Help with ideas for exhibit features, fabrication of different elements of the exhibit, promotion, and donations are all welcome”

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