Shirts being sold to help Kurt Malzahn
LUDINGTON — A special fund has been established for City of Ludington Water Plant Supervisor Kurt Malzahn who accidentally fell into a valve pit at the water tank at US 10/31 and Brye Road in Amber Township last week. Malzahn remains hospitalized in Grand Rapids.
Read more here.
A fund has been established at West Shore Bank. In addition shirts are being made and sold by 2nd Shift Graphics to help Malzahn and his family.
T-shirts that state “Malzahn Strong” are being sold for $15, sizes XS to XL and $18 for 2X and 3X; hoodies and crewnecks are being sold for $25, sizes XS to XL and $30 for 2X and 3X.
Orders may be submitted to Jackie Steckel at Ludington City Hall.
Download order form here.