Legends, QDMA to host deer showcase. 

November 26, 2019

Mark Cooper holds up the buck he shot this hunting season in Riverton Township. The deer is a potential record-breaker for Mason County.

Legends, QDMA to host deer showcase. 

VICTORY TOWNSHIP — Legends Taxidermy, 5089 N. US 31, is again hosting the Whitetail Aging and Local Deer Showcase Night on Friday, December 6 from 5:30 to 8 p.m.
Legends and the West Shore Branch of QDMA are inviting hunters to bring their deer jaw bones and antlers to Legends Taxidermy to get them aged and scored. There will be raffle prizes, along with food and beverages provided. All deer are welcome.
There will be a $5 donation at the door (kids under 16 years old are free). All proceeds will go to West Shore QDMA.

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