Tips for selling a house in the winter.

October 28, 2019

Tips for selling a house in the winter.

A presentation of Century 21 Bayshore Real Estate.

Selling a house in the winter time, especially in Michigan, can often mean there is less competition. However, there are some tips that sellers should follow in order to be successful. 

“The seller should always keep in mind that less is more,” says Kevin Leavitt, broker/owner of Century 21 Bayshore Real Estate. 

Leavitt offers some advice on ways sellers can accomplish a successful sale: 

  • Take down your decorations. The holidays are over, but if you’re the type that likes to leave the decorations up for a time, taking them down before your open house is a good idea. Prospective buyers may not celebrate the same holidays as you and you don’t want to alienate them.
  • Clear the clutter. If you haven’t put those holiday gifts away yet, now’s the time. Prospective buyers should be able to focus on your home instead of the collection of things crowding it. Give them nice open spaces to move about and they’ll be appreciative.
  • Turn up the heat. Warm and cozy is more than a catch phrase during the winter. Bring the temperature up in your home slightly during your open house to keep your guests comfortable. If they are too cold in your home, they aren’t apt to stay long.
  • Plan for winter apparel. Be it jackets or boots, take extra steps to prepare your entryway for the added material your buyers will bring with them. A designated spot to place these items can make guests feel welcome and keep your home cleaner during the showing and beyond.
  • Keep the driveway clear. Leavitt also suggests keeping the driveway and sidewalks clear, making it easy for potential buyers to access the home. 

Century 21 Bayshore Real Estate is located at 325 S. Brye Road, Ludington and can be reached at 231-845-0363,;

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