Safe Harbor Credit Union to celebrate International Credit Union Day.

October 11, 2019

Safe Harbor Credit Union to celebrate International Credit Union Day.

LUDINGTON — On Thursday, October 17, 2019, Safe Harbor Credit Union will join with 56,000 credit unions around the world in celebration of International Credit Union (ICU) Day. Coffee, punch, goodies, and prizes will be available at the credit union, 1200 E. Tinkham Ave.

There are over 200 million credit union members around the world—more than 100 million in the U.S. —and Safe Harbor Credit Union joins them in celebration of the not-for-profit cooperative spirit that all credit unions share.

This cooperative spirit has led to life-changing opportunities for people all over the world who’ve wanted to start a small business, own a home or continue their education but were denied access to other financial institutions. In many parts of the world, people’s first taste of democracy is through their credit union, where “one member, one vote” is the governing structure. 

At its most basic level, a credit union is people pooling their money to provide each other with affordable loans—it is literally people helping people. This is why Safe Harbor Credit Union celebrates ICU Day. Because credit unions empower people, wherever they are in the world or life, to take control of their financial future.


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