Safe Harbor Credit Unions offers protection against identity theft.

September 15, 2019

Safe Harbor Credit Unions offers protection against identity theft.

Identity theft occurs when a person’s private identifying information is obtained and fraudulently used without their permission, usually for financial gain. Identity theft happens to Americans more than anyone else, because typically Americans are more likely to give their information out to scam artists without knowing. It also happens more than people think; over 791 million identities were stolen in the United States in 2016.  The most common type is financial identity theft, where someone wants to gain financial benefits in someone else’s name. This includes getting credit cards, loans, goods and services, claiming to be someone else. 


Credit card fraud now represents the second-most reported type of identity theft in the U.S. at 33% of all fraud reports, and happens mostly to those between the ages of 30 and 59. In 2016, consumers lost 96 million dollars in credit card fraud, including card present, and card-not present occurrences. Thanks to the increasing amounts of online shopping, card-not present fraud is 81 percent more common than traditional credit card fraud. Are you protected, or do you feel comfortable purchasing online items knowing you are safe?

Identity theft is happening everywhere, every day, whether we know it or not. While identity theft can happen to anyone, there are some things you can do to reduce your risk. There are plenty of apps and websites nowadays that can offer you protection, but how many can you actually trust?  

Safe Harbor Credit Union now offers Kasasa Protect, ensuring the consumer is protected every step of the way.  For a low monthly cost, Kasasa Protect offers reporting, monitoring and restoration services. It will also help restore and replace important documents such as lost identifications, passports, and Social Security cards.  For more details on how to enroll in Kasasa Protect, visit Safe Harbor Credit Union, 1200 E. Tinkham Ave., Ludington.


This article is a paid service of Safe Harbor Credit Union, a supporter of Mason County Press.

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