Breastfeeding group asking mothers for feedback.

August 13, 2019

Breastfeeding group asking mothers for feedback.

August is Breastfeeding Awareness Month in Michigan and a local moms’ group, “Breastfeeding Mama Meetup”, has a lot planned to spread awareness. Most importantly, the Mama Meetup group has created a survey for local breastfeeding mothers. “We hope to get feedback from many local moms who have nursed and/or pumped in the past five years about their experience as a breastfeeding mother in Mason County,” said Katie Miller, the group’s creator. 

The majority of the survey questions address a mother’s experience with their employer and how breastfeeding-friendly they found their workplace culture. Additionally, the group hopes to learn more about whether or not moms felt supported initiating breastfeeding after they delivered their child(ren) and if they felt supported by their pediatrician or family doctor in their decision to nurse. Finally, the group is asking for women to name the places and businesses in the community where they have felt most accepted as a breastfeeding mom. 

“Once we’ve reviewed the survey responses, the providers, businesses, and employers that rise to the top as breastfeeding-supporters will be recognized with a small gift from the Mama Meetup group” says Krista Blair, another group leader. Additionally, on August 29, the group is planning a “nurse-in” at the business recognized as the most breastfeeding-friendly. 

Share your breastfeeding experience in Mason County at: or find the survey link on the  Breastfeeding Mama Meetup Facebook page.

Miller invites fathers to join the nurse-in too. 

“Fathers are encouraged to attend as well,” she said. “A professional will photograph the nurse-in and we are hoping for an impressive turnout of families.” 

This year, breastfeeding advocates are emphasizing how important a father’s role is in breastfeeding success. Whether or not breastfeeding is successful is really important. For one, children and adults that were breastfeed as babies are less likely to be overweight or obese. They are less likely to have type 2 diabetes and perform better on intelligence tests. Mothers also benefit from nursing. For mothers who exclusively breastfeed for the first six months of their child’s life, the risk of breast and ovarian cancer is less. A mother’s risk for both Type 2 diabetes and postpartum depression is also reduced.

The Breastfeeding Mama Meetup group, which has been meeting for the last year and a half, welcomes all mothers. Visit their facebook page and you’ll see in their description “Although breastfeeding is a recurring theme for our meet-ups, we are open to any mom (current or expectant) who is interested in learning more about breastfeeding or other topics, whether or not they currently breastfeed. Our meetups will be a welcoming, supportive environment for moms, no matter their feeding choice.” The group meets monthly in Ludington. Visit their facebook page (Breastfeeding Mama Meetup) or email for meeting dates and times. 

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